Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday Inspiration

Ah the little things in life... a good book, a glass of wine, an extra hour's sleep. How often do we really stop to appreciate life's little pleasures? 

When we overload our lives with frenetic activity, we make it very difficult to enjoy the everyday moments that should be making us happy - we choose the TV over the book, we choose a bottle of wine over a glass and we wring every last minute out of our day, often at the expense of a good night's sleep.

It may not seem important at the time, but a good life is made up of small, precious moments - so today, why not spend an hour with a friend catching up, or browsing through your favourite bookstore. Maybe you've been meaning to catch that one film for ages, or maybe you haven't told your partner how much you love them lately. Whatever those small things are, make time for them today, tomorrow and every day after that and then maybe one day you'll look back and realise that you took care of the big things, even if they seemed like they were only little at the time!

Wishing you an inspirational Tuesday,

*Little Lotus*

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