Saturday, 10 March 2012

Yoga for Colds and Flu

With the seasons changing and no end in sight to the wet weather, it's a good time to start thinking about natural ways we can boost our immune system and fight off the sniffles as we head into Winter. A regular yoga practice can boost your immune system, resulting in fewer and less severe colds but once you feel those symptoms coming on, it's time to modify your practice and allow your body to heal.  

Below are just a few ways you can stave off that nasty cold, the natural way!


Stress is possibly the worst enemy of your immune system but even a quick 10 minute meditation practice can work wonders when you're trying to fight the sniffles. During periods of high stress our immune system can become weak so taking time out to rest and recharge makes sense when you're feeling under the weather. Personally, I love the Meditation Oasis guided meditation podcasts which can be downloaded onto a phone/iPod/etc and taken anywhere for instant stress relief. In fact, if you've ever seen me sleeping on the bus, I was probably just meditating!

Move it or Lose it

To avoid an extended period under your doona be sure to continue your exercise routine - but don't knock yourself out! Thirty minutes of moderate exercise each day should be sufficient. It is thought that increasing the heart rate speeds up the circulation of white blood cells, whose job it is to seek and destroy germs. In terms of your practice, restorative postures are key. Try Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) and supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) to encourage deep, restorative breathing. According to Yoga Journal, a congested chest calls for a supported forward bend like Balasana (Child's Pose) over a bolster or supported Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend), in which you sit cross-legged and rest your forehead on folded arms on the seat of a chair.  As always, know your own body - if it's crying out for rest there's no harm in spending a day curled up in bed with cups of tea, sans exercise!

Eat yourself healthy

We all know that it's important to stay hydrated when we're feeling under the weather and hot liquids are especially effective at relieving nasal congestion, preventing dehydration and soothing inflamed membranes in the nose and throat. It is for all of these reasons that the classic cold and flu food chicken soup still sits at the top of my list - not only is it hydrating and delicious but it provides a good dose of protein when you need it most. Vegetarian? No problem, just use tofu instead! Honey, lemon and ginger tea is another favourite of mine - lemon for Vitamin C, honey for its incredible anti-bacterial properties and ginger for its immune-boosting goodness - yum!

There are many other ways to deal with your cold naturally, so make sure to chat to your doctor or health practitioner when you feel those symptoms coming on. 

Wishing you good health and a peaceful weekend,

*Little Lotus*

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